Visa Services

iaa-tm-300 We offer a range of Services to you:
  • Work Visa
  • Visitors visas
  • Skilled migrant residency
  • Family residency
  • Student visas
  • Long term business visas - we have specialist skills  for business applications
  • Overstayer appeals

With our assistance, you will find the New Zealand Visa process simple

  • We provide you with the highest professional and ethical standards
  • You will enjoy your first consultation free of charge
  • We will only consult for you if we assess that you have a good chance of success
  • You will be given a fixed price upfront quote, if possible
  • We can work on a "no win - no fee" basis
  • Your application will be handled by a Licensed Immigration Advisor
  • We will come to you if you cannot come to our offices
  • Our priority is to put your needs first

Contact us for a FREE first consultation. For your convenience, we are available any time, any day – call or text on 027 356 9040.

  • Again Steve, delighted with the outcome and the how you helped. I will have no problem recommending you to anyone. You handled my application with care and expertise and at the agreed up front fixed charge which was very good value.– Daire Queenan – Government Minister’s assistant, Wellington

  • Steve Prosser was able to solve my son’s visa problem after we had been unable to. He is living in United States and wants to come and live in NZ and now thanks to Steve he can do this. They provided a great service at a very reasonable cost.–Steve Hertig, Kaeo, Northland

  • Steve Prosser's expertise and great assistance were essential for obtaining my son's visa in NZ and I will definitely turn to him again when my son's current visa expires!–Monica de Medioros - Rio de Janeiro

  • You did a very good job for helping me and my children for NZ citizenship, thanks very much! – Mei Hua Tsai - Taiwan